Developing Leadership

“Leadership skills determine the level of your success - and the success of those who work around you.”
The above adage clearly implies the significance of developing the leadership skills for an individual. Now, one may argue that the leadership skills are innate; but, I have a different perspective to this opinion. This perspective of mine can be backed by a famous illustration as stated.

A group of people was strolling through a village. When they passed an old man, one of them asked condescendingly, "Were any great men born in this village?" "Nope," the old man answered, "Only babies." The moral of the story: Although some people seem to be "born leaders," most need to learn leadership from experienced role models.

Based on the book "Developing the leader within You" by John C. Maxwell, one can come up with ten basic principles to embark on the journey of leadership.

Principle One: "The Definition of Leadership: Influence"

One of my favorite quote to go along with this principle is “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Leadership begins with the heart, not the head."
a. Because they have to: It may be due to the leader's authoritative position but not due to influence the leader has.
Integrity simply means, say what you mean and do what you say. Leaders should spend time clarifying his/her deepest convictions for themselves and make them their guidelines for action. They would be able to earn others' trust and respect by setting a consistent, personal example. As a leader one would be accountable for the decisions taken by him/her; and should not indulge in blame-game.  
Principle Four: "The Ultimate Test of Leadership: Creating Positive Change"
Principle Seven: "Developing Your Most Appreciable Asset: People"
One of the most difficult but inevitable trait to acquire is self-discipline. As a leader one enjoys many perks but so comes the responsibilities. As a leader, it is essential to avoid procrastination, get organized, prioritize work and achieve results. It is essential that the leader practices what (s)he preaches.   
One of the most crucial part of the leader's job is choosing the right people for the right job at the right time. To boost the level of accomplishment in the team, the leader must believe in his or her team members and inculcate a sense of self-confidence in them. To achieve this the leader must follow five simple guidelines as stated:
  • Make assumptions clear
  • Give every team member an opportunity to shine.
  • Praise team members for their progress.
  • Provide advice and help (keep criticism constructive).
  • Reward team members for their contributions.

People follow their leader for one of the below mentioned 5 reasons:

b. Because they want to: this stage of following occurs when their is a strong bond of trust between followers and leader and the leader has the followers' permission to lead (i.e. the followers have accepted the leader)
c. Because of leader's contribution towards the organization:This stage is achieved when strong relation is built and results are achieved together.
d. Because of leader's contribution in their growth: This is when the followers are inspired to perform better and are mentored by the leader.
e. Because of who you are:  people follow due to the values embodied by the leader or due to the charisma of the leader.

Principle Two: "The Key to Leadership: Priorities" 

Setting priorities effectively is what separates successful people from the dabblers. A leader should be able to efficiently use Pareto Principle, which says 20% of the activities should be able to yield 80% of the results. The leader should be able to use his resources and energy for these activities for yielding great results.
A regular introspection is essential to track the progress the towards the goals and re-scheduling of the priorities may be essential for realigning.

Principle Three: "The Most Important Ingredient of Leadership: Integrity"

Resisting change is natural human tendency; and same applies to the leader. Persuading others to change is even harder. Those who flourished under the old system quite rationally resist changing it. Others are simply set in their ways, and change brings up fears and disrupts their comfortable patterns. But, as a leader one should remember that, if you aren't growing and changing, you aren't leading.
“There is nothing more difficult to undertake, more perilous to conduct or more uncertain in its success than introducing change.”
Principle Five: "The Quickest Way to Gain Leadership: Problem Solving"

Leader should think of problems as opportunity to learn valuable lessons and enhance skills. A positive attitude will help you fix problems, but poor attitudes short-circuit solutions more often than the intractability of the problems themselves.

Principle Six: "The Extra Plus in Leadership: Attitude"

Leader may have no control over some things that happen in his/her life, but he/she can control his/her response to them. That's attitude. When you're a leader, your attitude influences everyone around you, so nurture a positive approach. Optimism won't appear automatically or run perpetually. Work every day to replace negative thinking with positive expectations. If you begin to suffer 'hardening of your attitude', the time has come to do some 'change work'. Importantly you shouldn't wait to take action until you feel motivated or inspired. Chances are that if you 'just do it', motivation will follow.

Good leaders inspire others to become leaders. They bring out the best in the people around them. Everyone needs encouragement and wants to feel worthwhile. People enjoy the opportunity to contribute to a significant project and they'll feel grateful if leader pushes them to do well. However, leader's appreciation must be genuine and the project truly meaningful - otherwise he/she is simply being manipulative.
As a leader, you must match people with work that suits their strengths. Model the qualities you wish to bring out in others. Expect the best of them and recognize it when you get it. If you need to criticize or correct your subordinates or colleagues, do it in private as soon as possible. Don't think of the conversation as a confrontation but rather as a clarification. Be constructive.

Principle Eight: "The Indispensable Quality of Leadership: Vision"

Vision is necessary to accomplish any goal. It is essential to focus everyone's energy in one direction. Developing a vision requires leader to think on three levels: "perception," or understanding current reality; "probability," or extrapolating from the present to the near future; and "possibility," or envisioning the organization's best potential. Some personality types may impede the development of leader's vision and the realization of his/her goals; thus, the leader should stay away from them.

Principle Nine: "The Price Tag of Leadership: Self-Discipline"

Principle Ten: "The Most Important Lesson of Leadership: Staff Development" 



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