
Showing posts with the label Brain Tracy

Great ways to stop Procrasting!

We all have important tasks that we keep putting off for one reason or the another. Yet, we are aware that addressing such tasks quickly and completely is the key to success. If you are wondering how to get that done, read on! "An average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but gets very little done." First things first, setting priorities is essential for getting things done; but, it would be impossible to set priorities if one lacks the clarity of their goals and objectives. Lack of clarity can be killer as it impairs the ability to take actions and taking appropriate actions forms the crux to achieve success. Having clarity is essential; but i ts easier said than done! It requires developing some good work habits which in turn  requires lots of discipline and determination. First step is to determine precisely what y...