Great ways to stop Procrasting!

We all have important tasks that we keep putting off for one reason or the another. Yet, we are aware that addressing such tasks quickly and completely is the key to success. If you are wondering how to get that done, read on!

"An average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but gets very little done."

First things first, setting priorities is essential for getting things done; but, it would be impossible to set priorities if one lacks the clarity of their goals and objectives. Lack of clarity can be killer as it impairs the ability to take actions and taking appropriate actions forms the crux to achieve success.

Having clarity is essential; but its easier said than done! It requires developing some good work habits which in turn requires lots of discipline and determination. First step is to determine precisely what you want and then write them down. (Take a look at below table for reference)

Sr. no.
Resources Needed
Action Plan


While taking actions is better than procrastinating; actions without plan leads to disappointing results and eventually failure. So, plan your actions daily. Planning the next day at a night prior helps our subconscious mind to act on it through the night. Thus, working through the list next day, comes more naturally. Start by preparing monthly list before starting of the month, boil it down to weekly list each week, and further down to daily list.

Now that we are ready with out list, we would naturally be tempted to finish off the small tasks first. But, this is the time to apply Pareto principle and determine the top 20% of the tasks that will bring in 80% of the result and focus our energy in getting those completed. Thus, we need to discipline ourselves to work on the most significant task first, rather than indulging in false sense of achievement by crossing small insignificant tasks off the list. Prioritizing the list can be done using ABCDE method.

A (you must do as soon as possible or face serious consequences)

B (you should do, but carry mild consequences)

C (nice to do, but carries no consequences)

D (you can delegate to someone else)

E (you can eliminate altogether)

Apply the law of forced efficiency! Law of forced efficiency relates to the fact that any job will fill the time you allow for it. If we have two days to complete the job, it will take two days (or even more!) but when we have only a day to complete same job, we would find the time to do it in a day. Thus, keep a strict deadline for the tasks at hand and complete them in the stipulated time-frame.

Last but not the least, be your own cheerleader. Talk positively to yourself, reaffirm to yourself that you are capable and strong, respond to the outside world positively, learn from your failures and move on, and always visualize your goals.


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