Mother's Day

कहते है आज माँ का दिन है,

कोई यह बताये वो कौन सा दिन है जो माँ के बिन हैं|

The above two lines summarizes the essence of life. There is no day in life that can be celebrated without mother. 

Mother, Mom, Maa, Amma, Aai, whatever you choose to call her, she is the most important part of every child's life. But, to her, her children are her world. Then why do we choose only one day to show our love, our respect for her?

Today all the social media sites have been flooded with the quotes and messages showing love and affection for mother. All the posts/messages revolve around mom's sacrifices and her importance in our life. 

Where does that love and affection for her go for the rest of 364 days of the year? Do we forget her sacrifices and her importance in our life during the rest of the days? Is showing love just for one day enough? 

I think we take mothers for granted most of the times. We disrespect her at times, sometimes we even hurt her. This is especially true for the grown-up children. I am not saying that we don't love her then, but, we somehow don't show it (knowingly or unknowingly, we even hurt her). 

Mothers don't expect big gifts from her child. Mothers only expect love and time of their children once they grow-up. But, we are so busy in our daily routines that we tend to neglect our parents. We are so engrossed in our virtual world (thanks to cheap internet plans and our so called smart phones) that we don't have time to pay heed to small needs of our parents who are getting older. We have grown-up to be so smart that when parent try to point our mistakes we assume it as their interference in our lives and we often end up telling our moms that things have changed and she doesn't understand current era. Really? The one who taught us how to survive in this world doesn't understand... strange. Isn't it? 

I am not saying that all of us treat our parents in same way, but, I have seen many of us doing this. Knowingly/unknowingly may be everyone of us has hurt our mom at one point or another. Today, I want to apologize for my mistakes/words that would have hurt my mother. 

I just had this thought, each one of us loves our mom and that is clearly visible through our social media account today. If we shower even 50% of this love everyday on our mothers they would be much more happier in the lives. The million dollar smile that we may have seen today on her face as a result of our special efforts for her, would become a permanent part her personality and that would enrich our lives as well. 

If each one of us would be able to implement this in our lives, I am sure there would be no old-age homes in our country! On this mother's day, can we all pledge to hold those hands till the end which held us as child, fed us when we couldn't even express hunger, held our hand tight to prevent us from falling while teaching us to walk, taught us to write and educated us, the list of what mother has done for us can go on and on. But can we just promise to do one thing for her, that is to love her and show her our love and care each and every day.    


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